Pharma Friend
Pharma Friend is a redesigned medication-tracking app designed with seniors in mind. Featuring a user-friendly interface, a convenient medication scanner, and intuitive tracking methods. What sets it apart is the additional features: a comprehensive calendar for scheduling and a detailed medication history function for tracking progress. These enhancements allow seniors to effortlessly manage their medications, providing them with the tools they need for a smoother healthcare journey.
September 2023, 4 Weeks
Interaction Design, Mobile Application, UX / UI Design and Research
Redesign a mobile application by analyzing user pain points and competitors, resulting in an improved task flow, and a cohesive design.
Pain Points
Pharma Friend is aimed at users aged 55 and above who need a reliable system to manage and track their medication. However, a detailed examination of the app reveals several pain points and areas to be improved to enhance user experience and functionality. 
Content Issues
The app's home screen is the user's first point of contact with the app, yet it fails to provide concise and critical information about daily medication intake. This lack of immediate information can cause confusion and may lead to the user overlooking or forgetting their medication. Moreover, the app lacks a system to mark off consumed medication and does not have a reminder feature for missed doses. These inadequacies can be detrimental to users who rely on regular medication intake, creating a need for a more effective tracking system. 
Organization Issues
When adding new medication, users are required to navigate to a separate record page, which confusingly resembles the home page, leading to potential user disorientation. This process involves too many steps, reducing the app's overall efficiency and user-friendliness. Simplification of medication addition and editing processes is crucial to enhance user interaction and satisfaction. 
Usability Issues
The app feels outdated, not matching current design trends, which may deter users familiar with modern app designs. It restricts users to recording only 12 medications and 4 allergies. Instead of customizable medication times, it limits users to predefined times, reducing adaptability. While many contemporary apps utilize intuitive gestures like swiping, "My Medication Diary" lacks this feature, making navigation cumbersome and less user-friendly.
Visual Issues
The app presents a significant technical flaw where the text and background colors are identical during medication entry, rendering the typed information invisible. This is a critical issue as it severely hampers user interaction and input accuracy, necessitating immediate resolution to prevent user frustration and errors. Additionally, an outdated appearance diminishes the app's visual appeal. Modern users often seek apps with aesthetically pleasing and adaptable designs, and the current design does not meet these expectations.  
Competitor Analysis
Pharma Friend is aimed at users aged 55 and above who need a reliable system to manage and track their medication. However, a detailed examination of the app reveals several pain points and areas to be improved to enhance user experience and functionality. 
Task Flow
The previous task flow presented significant obstacles to user interactions; however, the newly mapped-out pathway streamlines processes and enhances user experience, aiming for optimal efficiency and satisfaction.
Final Designs

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